I, you, we (100x100)
I, you, we (100x100)
Order and chaos (105x65)
Order and chaos (105x65)

I Love you (90x90)*
I Love you (90x90)*

Yardmaster (65x110)*

Yardmaster (65x110)*

Works marked with * are not available

Daily life (90x105)Daily life (90x105)
Prayer book (120x80)
Prayer book (120x80)

The grid (100x65)
The grid (100x65)
Composition no1 (70x65)
Composition no1 (70x65)


Geometric no1 (90x90)
Geometric no1 (90x90)
The cross (90x70)
The cross (90x70)
Factory (90x90)*
Factory (90x90)*
Composition no2 (70x65)
Composition no2 (70x65)